
Work in Progress - March 2020 and A Few Things Called Off by Pat Byrne

There’s a few bits and pieces postponed due to the Covid - 19 pandemic. Firstly the show in Westport has been put back, I’m not sure until when but I don’t mind because it’ll give me a chance to get a bit more done for it and have larger selection to pick from. I’m still painting away towards that, not at the same pace the last couple of weeks but chipping away at it. I’m running out of canvas but I have a good lot of linen there and I never painted on linen so I’m looking forward to see how the work turns out on it.

Current sketch I’m working on for a painting, hoping to get started in oils of the weekend

Current sketch I’m working on for a painting, hoping to get started in oils of the weekend

With Heritage House closed we’ve had to cancel the workshops, senior citizens, teenager’s and children’s workshops are all off until further notice along with the Cork & Canvas sessions that we were running on Thursday nights. As far as working from home goes I’m just cutting out the stencils for the metal boxes that the board asked me to do a while ago. They wanted animals and plants on them so when I know what they want that’s half the battle. I’m just editing the images in Photoshop, printing them off and cutting out the stencil for spray painting, so whenever we get back to Heritage House I’ll be going at them.

The image I’m working with for the fox stencil

The image I’m working with for the fox stencil