First post in a while, I got a good bit of painting done over the few months of lockdown, I managed to get two of them finished before I give them a glaze or two and I’m hoping to get some still life paintings of the props done over the next few weeks. I’m still looking into introducing new characters and I’m thinking of using a really local myth about werewolves, in the western half of Laois and Kilkenny county, which used to make up the old kingdom of Ossory there are several myths about werewolves so I’m thinking of going along the same lines as the sluagh and making some sort of mask that would be fairly solid and easy to manage.
I’d also like to do something with the Stray Sod creature. I think it features a fair bit in fantasy but it has origins in Celtic mythology, so I’ll be starting to work on a costume for that at some point soon too.
In July we ran 4 weeks of workshops to conclude what people had paid for prior to lockdown, they finished last week or the week before. A few things have been rescheduled, confirmed and proposed.
First up this week, I’m delighted to have 2 paintings showing in Birr Arts Festival which will be hosted virtually here. The festival launches on Friday 14th of August at 6:30, all information can be found over at the link on the Birr Vintage Week Facebook page
Next up then is 2 exhibitions in October, both curated by friend and artist Sinéad Keogh, Soul Noir is returning for it’s fourth year and will be in Dublin and the second show is a solo exhibition in Tallaght Library that Sinéad is organising and curating, I’ll post dates and details closer to the time. She has a place secured in Clondalkin Library too, I’m not sure of the dates yet for that one but I’ll be giving talks at both.
Westport has been rescheduled too for the end of February, so all going well it’s down to launch on February 25th at Custom House Studios. There’s a couple more things lined up but I’ll post about them later as they approach.